Power Coupling: USA & China Talks

1. The Shanghai Hamburger

Greg Season 1 Episode 1

In the inaugural episode of Power Coupling, the gang talks about hamburgers, their history in the US and in China, and where to get heaven on a bun in Shanghai. Tune in and come together, right now, over beef:

4:30 - The inspiration for this discussion and talks on the general curiosities of Chinese people
5:42 - The first burger origin story
11:40 - Cheeseburger in China
17:41 - Category 1: Most Convenient Burger in Shanghai
24:09 - Category 2: Weirdest Burger
31:25 - Category 3: Best Burger for Your Buck
38:28 - Category 4: Most Disappointing Burger
44:17 - Category 5: The Best Burger in Shanghai! (The final burger is a Shanghai secret. Keep it secret, keep it safe.)
52:17 - Dénouement - In praise and frustration of the fast food scene in the USA, burger legislation (listen up, Biden), and what qualifies as fast food in the US